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about me

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Without a doubt, my inspiration to become a photographer came from my Dad who, although an engineer by profession, was also a wonderful, accomplished landscape photographer.



I was born whilst snow was falling during one very cold January.


By the age of two I was already staring with fascination into Dad’s camera, one of my earliest memories!


At eighteen Dad accompanied me to Jessop’s in Leicester and we bought my first SLR camera, a magnificent Nikon FE!


I was insistent about the lens, buying a 135mm portrait lens rather than starting with the basic 50mm, already knowing I wished to concentrate on portraits of children.

Large Karen J.Brown with camera 1960.jpg

Following the deeply joyful experience of giving birth to my two beautiful daughters, I was given the surprising opportunity of working alongside Mike Woolley, a well-respected photographer based in the town where I grew up.


It was with Mike that I discovered the magic of the dark room and worked with a colour printer. We also produced slides in those days and did pack shots in the studio for Golden Wonder Crisps!


This experience gave me the confidence to eventually open my own studio in Brighton, offering only black & white photography, visiting clients in their own environment with the aim to gain the best natural photographs.


I offered an initial consultation where we discussed clothing and I looked at the best area to do the shoot. In effect I developed my own unique style.



My guiding maxim being that I

took natural photographs in

natural surroundings in natural light ~

Little bridesmaid.jpeg

image of nature/landscape

Light force.JPG

Eventually, some 17 years ago, the new challenge of living in Italy presented itself.


The journey in fact proved incredibly tough, a mountain had to almost be moved to create what exists today.


Utter desperation, unimaginable stress, and tears were shed.


However, with every negative is a positive, this difficult path has revealed so many good things along the way and has been a learning curve about life.



Mountain views, breathtaking natural scenery, an abundance

of wild flowers and butterflies,

ever changing light and colour sustains me beyond my wildest dreams!



That combined with the warm generous spirited Italians encouraging me when I first attempted to speak Italian, those passionate people whose embrace touched my soul.


And of course the food…if the Italians aren’t eating they are talking about eating, every meal a celebration with ‘the family’, from new born babies to bisnonna, everyone eating, talking laughing…together!



This is La Dolce Vita!

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